Our Anti-Puppy Mill Policy
We are against puppy mills and backyard breeders. We make sure that all of our puppies are going to family homes and not to be used in breeding! We only breed first-generation puppies and are always looking for guardian homes to help us raise our purebred parents. We don't keep our dogs in a kennel. All of our puppies are home raised around children and other pets.
What is a guardian home, you may ask? It's just like a foster home. You raise our purebred parents, at no cost to you, and they come back to us for two-breedings. After the second breeding, the purebred parent is yours after they've been spayed or neutered. We pay for vet-visits, supplements, training, you name it,. we pay for it. What better way to own a dog for free??!! And this program keeps our adult dogs out of kennels and into family homes where they should be.
Please contact me if you're interested in our guardian home program and I will help get you started.
A Teddy Bear is a Great Dog for You if:
You want a non-shedding dog... or
If you are allergic to other animals
You're not away from home for a long period of time... or
You have another pet around to keep your teddy bear puppy company.
You have a smaller home... but
You still want to take short walks.
You don't mind indoor potty training if you don't have an option for outdoor training.
You have a pretty consistent daily routine.
A Teddy Bear is a Not a Good Fit for You if:
You're looking for a guard dog.
You don't want to take your dog to the groomer every two-to-three months.
You're hardly every home... and/or
You do not have another pet around to keep your teddy bear company.
Your daily routine is very sporadic or unpredicable.